Before you start the
360-Feedback Process:
Get the Context & Purpose right

A well-designed 360-Degree feedback survey can definitely lead to enhancement of business and potential, but documented studies have shown that a poorly designed feedback can backfire, leading to distrust and disengagement in the employees.

To ensure that your 360 feedback survey intervention delivers the right outcomes, make sure you consider the purpose and context of the survey even before starting the process.

There are two broad Questions you may want to think about:

Contemplative man in office reflects on How clear is the Organization about the purpose of conducting 360 feedback?

1. How clear is the Organization about the purpose of conducting 360 feedback?

Different stakeholders in the organization may expect the 360-Degree feedback survey to serve different purposes. For example, the Business Head may be looking to use the process to highlight poor performers and/or the leadership team of your organization may be expecting that the process will be tied back to promotions or rewards. A defined, clear reason behind running a 360 survey along with a structured plan on how to best use the results, is a prerequisite towards conducting an effective 360 survey process.

Before you start the process of deploying a 360 feedback survey, it is vital that you consult all stakeholders – leadership team, managers, and employees. Make sure you document the final set of objectives since it will help in communicating the same to all participants and respondents later. 

2. Will Employees be comfortable giving honest feedback to each other?

Organizational culture and context determine whether employees will be able to or be willing to give honest feedback to each other. 

If your organization is currently going through major changes or financial difficulties, it may prove difficult for you to get employees to open up and share honest feedback. Also, it is difficult for employees to give honest feedback to each other when the outcome of the feedback process can be used to decide on promotions or rewards.

Diverse professionals in office setting are discussing - Will Employees be comfortable giving honest feedback to each other?

In our experience,

360 feedback surveys yield the best results when used as an instrument to support employee development and not when they are used to decide rewards and recognition. 

Self-development is a journey which starts with self-awareness. A well-designed and correctly-used 360 survey will always be the right way to start this journey with.

Looking for a next-generation 360-degree feedback solution?

More Resources

Find out how we helped an Insurance Giant to scale up its 360° feedback program using our proprietary 360-feedback platform.

Infographic showing the Distribution of Middle Managers across Key Competencies basis their 360 Feedback Scores. This is to determine how are Middle Managers perceived by their Stakeholders on different Competencies.

Find out the latest insights based on our in-depth analysis of the 360 feedback reports of 3000+ Managers across industries. You will get a glimpse on how middle managers are perceived by their stakeholders on different competencies.

Three colleagues discussing the design of a 360-degree feedback survey in a modern office setting

Learn how we enabled a Leading Digital Payments Company to customize 360° surveys for the development of their top 100 Leaders.

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