Enabling "Ready" Talent Pipelines

Helping organizations achieve rigor and scale with their talent processes

Business professional holding a coffee cup symbolizing advanced talent pipeline management in Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance sectors

Trusted by
Leading BFSI Institutions


Key Talent Priorities

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Improving Engagement
& Retention

Streamlining selection & onboarding process & other aspects of employee experience to improve engagement & retention

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Strengthening Succession Planning

Taking a structured data-driven approach to succession planning & talent development & building a strong talent pipeline at all levels

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Scaling up
Talent Practices

Deepening digital adoption to deliver talent practices at scale to a large geographically spread out workforce

Strengthening Talent Assessment & Development
at a Leading Private Bank

Our client, one of the largest private banks in India, was looking to democratize and scale up their talent review and development process for first and second-level managers.

Instead of focusing on a select few employees, the Bank HR team wanted to deploy a wider process covering 17k+ employees at these two levels across the organization.

We worked with the Bank HR team and other stakeholders to co-create and deliver a scalable digital-led solution combining assessments, IDP & virtual learning which could cover 17k+ participants in the same cohort.

Participant Journey

Graphic illustrating a seamless 4-step learning journey process, emphasizing inclusivity and digital engagement in a leading banking company's capability-building initiative
Man using laptop illustrating successful implementation of 360-degree feedback survey for leadership development at a Digital Payments Market Leader

Implementing 360° Feedback Survey in context of Leadership Development

Curious about how a Digital Payments Market Leader achieved remarkable results in developing its top 100 leaders?

Discover how our customized 360° feedback survey, tailored to their unique leadership system, prompted deeper reflections on individual working styles, leading to actionable development plans.

100 Leaders | 1500+ Respondents | 94% Completion Rate

Developing Managerial Capability
at a General Insurance Firm​

First-level Managers (FLMs) play a critical role in improving productivity and retention of the on-the-ground workforce, esp. in distributed set-ups in the insurance industry. Designing effective development programs for FLMs requires attention to a few key considerations:

  • Relevance & Contextualization: Contextualizing content to participant context came across as a key requirement. Simpler language, industry-specific and even role-specific examples (e.g., banca vs. agency), and easy-to-use on-the-job aids proved to be great enablers for success.
  • Delivery Format: One-off workshops have not proven effective, but getting people to travel for multiple workshops is very expensive. A hybrid or virtual learning journey with multiple touchpoints in small groups came out to be a more effective solution.
  • Facilitated Conversations: Most managers were not looking for conceptual inputs. Our facilitators could engage the audience effectively by enabling conversations around on-the-ground issues and connecting concepts & skills to these issues.
Women working on a laptop highlighting effective managerial capability development at a general insurance firm

More Resources

What does it take to run a good pilot?

Define specific learning objectives for the pilot & establish measurable outcomes to gauge success.If your focus is smooth participant experience

Five Game-changing Strategies with Real-world Examples

Don’t wait to run a perfect pilot with all the elements finalized. Conduct multiple pilots with varied goals….

Bar chart showcasing percentage of first-time managers showcasing high and low orientation on personality traits such as risk-taking, creative, optimism, inquisitve

Investing in your first-time managers is critical.The first-level managers in an organization play a critical role in cascading down and executing organization-wide changes.


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