360° Feedback Surveys:
Off-the-Shelf vs Customized Questionnaires

The dilemma that most process owners face with a 360-feedback survey is whether to go for one of the many off-the-shelf questionnaires readily available or create a questionnaire customized to their requirements. 

Most believe that customized questionnaires are more effective than the off-the-shelf ones.

However, the trade-off is not so simple and depends on factors as outlined below:

Off-the-shelf questionnaire should be used when the survey is being conducted for a select group of employees or the leadership team as part of the development process.

However, if you are conducting the survey as part of a strategic initiative or as a wider organization-wide program, then we recommend that you get help in developing a customized questionnaire for the process.

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More Resources

Find out how we helped an Insurance Giant to scale up its 360° feedback program using our proprietary 360-feedback platform.

Find out the latest insights based on our in-depth analysis of the 360 feedback reports of 3000+ Managers across industries. You will get a glimpse on how middle managers are perceived by their stakeholders on different competencies.

Three colleagues discussing the design of a 360-degree feedback survey in a modern office setting

Learn how we enabled a Leading Digital Payments Company to customize 360° surveys for the development of their top 100 Leaders.

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