Podcast episode cover featuring Krishnamurthy Shankar discussing Perspectives on global leadership talent

Ep.09 Perspectives on Global Leadership Talent with Krish Shankar

Perspectives on Global Leadership Talent with Krish Shankar Episode 09 | Shots with TT In this Episode, Bimal Rath in conversation with our guest Krish Shankar, CHRO, Infosys talk about the transformations that have happened globally in organizations, the need

Podcast episode cover featuring Subash Ak Rao discussing Perspectives on HR impacts

Ep.08 How Could HR Play a more Significant Role? with Subash AK Rao

How could HR play a more significant role? with Subash AK Rao Episode 08 | Shots with TT In this Episode, Bimal Rath is in conversation with our guest Subash AK Rao, who has been both a HR and Business

Podcast episode cover featuring GP Rao discussing Perspectives on talent management in different sector

Ep.07 How do you Approach Talent Management in Different Sectors? with GP Rao

How do you approach Talent Management in different sectors? with GP Rao Episode 07 | Shots with TT In this Episode, Bimal Rath and our guest Dr. GP Rao, talk about differences and similarities in talent management across various sectors.

Podcast episode cover featuring Amitava Mukharji discussing Perspectives on Functional Capabilities in Organisations

Ep.06 Perspectives on Functional Capabilities in Organisations with Amitava Mukherji

Perspectives on Functional Capabilities in Organizations with Amitava Mukherji Episode 06 | Shots with TT In this Episode, Bimal Rath and our guest Amitava Mukherji talk about the need for developing individual capabilities and fostering aspirations to acquire new skills and

Podcast episode cover featuring Varadarajan Srinivasan discussing Perspectives on Talent across industries

Ep.05 Perspectives on Talent Across Industries with Varadarajan Srinivasan

Perspectives on Talent Across Industries with Varadarajan Srinivasan Episode 05 | Shots with TT In this Episode, Our guest Varadarajan Srinivasan, in conversation with Bimal Rath, talks about the importance of industry knowledge for employees and leaders. He shares insights

Podcast episode cover featuring P Dwarakanath discussing Perspectives on Leadership Talent

Ep.04 Perspectives on Leadership Talent with P Dwarakanath

Perspectives on Leadership Talent with P Dwarakanath Episode 04 | Shots with TT In this Episode, Bimal Rath in conversation with our guest P Dwarakanath, talk about leadership qualities and their similarity across industries and how the qualities of a

Podcast cover featuring VJ Rao dicussing Perspectives in HR Talent Management

Ep.03 Perspectives in HR Talent Management with VJ Rao

Perspectives in HR Talent Management with VJ Rao Episode 03 | Shots with TT In this Episode, Bimal Rath in conversation with our guest VJ Rao, author of ‘HR Here and Now’ try to answer some questions such as –

Podcast cover featuring Sirshendu Mookherjee discussing Perspectives on Talent in Healthcare Industry

Ep.02 Perspectives on Talent in Healthcare Industry with Sirshendu Mookherjee

Perspectives on Talent in Healthcare Industry with Sirshendu Mookherjee Episode 02 | Shots with TT In this Episode, Bimal Rath in conversation with our guest Sirshendu Mookherjee, Group Head – Human Resources of Narayana Healthcare, talk about sourcing, developing and

Podcast cover featuring Sanjay Chaturvedi discussing Perspectives on Talent in Manufacturing Industry

Ep.01 Perspectives on Talent in Manufacturing Industry with Sanjay Chaturvedi

Perspectives on Talent in Manufacturing Industry with Sanjay Chaturvedi Episode 01 | Shots with TT In this Episode, Bimal Rath in conversation with our guest Sanjay Chaturvedi, Director of HR at Hilti India,  talk about a range of issues around

Colleagues collaborate at office workstation, embodying the shift from individual contributor to team leader mindset

Changing the Mindset from Individual Contributor to Team Leader:

Changing the Mindset from Individual Contributor to Team Leader Are Organizations doing enough? Category: Learning Journey Client: Leading IT Major Congratulations! You have been promoted. A message that every employee strives to achieve! A wonderful experience to be incharge of