on Assessments

Podcast Series: Season 3

This podcast season

we will try to re-visit the talent assessment scenario and how can companies and HR practitioners implement and deliver a future ready assessment solution.

Listen to us on:

Season 1

Re-imagining Manager Capability

Season 2

Going Virtual with Learning Interventions

Now that we are in this new, uncharted era of work, it’s time to re-visit what assessments looks like in your organization. This rapid progress in digitalization and sudden change in ways of working has brought about a disruption in the workplace as never seen before.

Skills needs are changing, and so is the future goal for an organization as well as for the individual. Organisations are now facing the real challenge of turning qualitative and quantitative information on skill needs into effective future action. Explore this season of podcast to learn more.

S03 Ep01: Making Assessments more Human

The word virtual’s various meanings include ‘near enough’ and ‘not physically existing’. When it comes to conducting virtual assessments, we should keep both definitions top of mind. The need for accelerated digital communication throughout the assessment process is more important than ever.

Assessments of different kinds will always be part of the HR playbook. What does it take to build a culture that removes the negative emotions associated with such processes?

How do you ensure that the humanness is built at the core of the assessment process?

Guest Speaker (Episode 1)

Ajay Chowdhury

Mr. Ajay Chowdhury

President & CHRO, SRF Limited

S03 Ep02: Running Assessments at Scale – What does it take?

Large scale assessment implies the ability to manage massive numbers of participants all being assessed at the same time. This further implies the ability to process, analyze and report on that data, as well as the organizational infrastructure to repeat the cycle over and over.

What does it take to run assessments at scale – thousands of them at the same go?

The learnings – from planning to execution, from communication to monitoring – what needs to be managed? And what could be potential showstoppers?

Guest Speaker (Episode 2)

Geethaa G

Ms. Geethaa G

Head – Talent Management & OE, HDFC Bank

S03 Ep03: Implementing Assessment Programs – The Practical Side – I

What does it take to run assessments on the ground? What are the tactical and minute insights that make the difference?

What needs to be taken care of at different stages – preparation, during the assessment and post assessment?

Guest Speaker (Episode 3)

Bhaskar Das

Mr. Bhaskar Das

Leadership & Assessment Expert

S03 Ep04: Implementing Assessment Programs – The Practical Side – II

What does it take to run assessments on the ground? What are the tactical and minute insights that make the difference?

What needs to be taken care of at different stages – preparation, during the assessment and post assessment?

Guest Speaker (Episode 4)

Richard McConkey

Mr. Richard McConkey

Assessment Expert

S03 Ep05: Leadership Assessments – What is different now?

The task of leadership is getting complex by the day.

What do we continue to look for in leaders? And what else will we look for when we assess leaders?

Assessing for leadership has several risks associated with it, and failures can be costly. How do we ensure that some of that risk is mitigated, through assessment or associated methods?

Guest Speaker (Episode 5)

Judhajit Das

Mr. Judhajit Das

CHRO, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

S03 Ep06: Leaders – Assessing for the Future

What will we look for in leaders going forward? What will change? And how will we assess some of these things?

Areas like resilience, emotional intelligence, judgment, soft skills etc. are anyway difficult to assess. How does one assess these intangibles better in leaders?

Guest Speaker (Episode 6)

Rohit Thakur

Mr. Rohit Thakur

CHRO, Paytm

S03 Ep07 - What after Assessment? - Creating a Personal Development Plan

How do you ensure that assessment investments do not go waste?

Linking assessments to other TM processes is key. What scene works well? Or not?

What could HR teams focus on to ensure that assessments do not remain tactical and standalone in the overall TM and HR strategy of the company?

Guest Speaker (Episode 7)

Reetu Raina

Ms. Reetu Raina

CHRO, Quick Heal