Going Virtual with Learning Interventions

Podcast Series: Season 2

Here is a series of conversations

that enables us to look at different aspects of this challenge – how are companies and practitioners thinking about the various aspects of taking learning interventions virtual.

Listen to us on:

Season 1

Re-imagining Manager Capability

Season 3

Perspectives on Assessments

Taking learning interventions virtual is not new, just that the need has suddenly accelerated. Like any other organizational change process, it is complex, involving processes, technology, people, mindsets and leadership. Companies are experimenting with a wide variety of variables and how to make things work. Aspects of application, inclusivity, learner centricity, cost and effectiveness as additional dimensions to keep in mind.

Here is a series of conversations that enables us to look at different aspects of this challenge – how are companies and practitioners thinking about the various aspects of taking learning interventions virtual.

S02 Ep01: How Senior Leaders are looking at Learning? What role should the HR teams play in promoting Learning?

While companies and leaders understand the need and utility of investing in learning, the jury is still out on effectiveness and stickiness on some kinds of learning – e.g. virtual, for certain.

What are leaders expressing in terms of building capability for the future? What have they learnt through the last few months? Do CHROs still need to sell learning – especially virtual learning?

If yes, then how does a CHRO go about selling the concept and implementation of virtual learning to leadership teams and boards?

And how does it get established as a way of life in organizations – what strategy and tactics does the CHRO drive?

How has the role of the HR team changed wrt to learning? How can they play a meaningful role in linking learning to business success?

Guest Speaker (Episode 1)

Vinay Razdan

Mr. Vinay Razdan


S02 Ep02: Designing Virtual Learning Journeys

How does one design a learning journey that talks to the human being and is effective for the business?

What will appeal to the learner inside and evoke curiosity, engagement, competition, feel good, experimentation mindset and other positive emotions which will drive both learning as well as application?

What design principles will support the variety of learning needs – technical, functional, behavioral, leadership etc.

Do learning journeys really need design or curation? Or just leave it to individual paths to be taken by learners?

Guest Speakers (Episode 2)

Diya Malhotra

Ms. Diya Malhotra

Director – Talent,
Fidelity International

Sabih Kidwai

Mr. Sabih Kidwai

Director – HR (TM & Learning), Schneider Electric

S02 Ep03: Improving Inclusiveness of Virtual Learning Interventions

Diversity and inclusion is an extremely important agenda for almost all companies today, for a variety of reasons. In the learning area, this is still to become a mainstream topic of discussion and debate.

Are companies providing equal opportunities to learners from all backgrounds and with different challenges?

What biases can potentially creep in while designing a learning agenda for a diverse company, and what are the watch outs?

What kinds of things are companies doing to make inclusion and accessibility almost a given in learning journey design?

There special initiatives needed for learning design for differently abled or less privileged by education, language etc. even though they may bring relevant skills to the table. How can organizations start linking learning to talent management and careers to create a more integrated picture and an equal world?

Guest Speakers (Episode 3)

Sarika Pradhan

Ms. Sarika Pradhan

GM & HR Head,
POSH Chairperson,
Wipro Ltd

Rhiju Bhowmick

Mr. Rhiju Bhowmick

Sr. HR Professional, VP & Head – Learning & Change Management, Nayara Energy

S02 Ep04: Challenges in measuring Effectiveness of Virtual Learning Interventions

Virtual learning of all kinds is proliferating and is everywhere around us. It has been there for a while but has moved relatively slowly in terms of uptake. The pandemic is getting organizations to re-think how they could create better blends in learning interventions. Measuring effectiveness is a key subject to tackle, especially as historically learning measurement has always been debated and challenged by business.

What challenges are seen in virtual learning measurement and effectiveness? How are these different from those applicable for traditional learning?

What different experiments have companies or teams tried in this regard? And what has worked or not?

What is seen as the next step in measuring learning effectiveness – link to job performance? Aspects of succession, career management, skill portability?

What measurements would apply to individual learners and what would apply to cohorts/teams and organizations? How does one link these and weave them together?

Guest Speakers (Episode 4)

Anusha Suryanarayan

Ms. Anusha Suryanarayan

CHRO, Signify

Vivek Tripathi

Mr. Vivek Tripathi

CHRO, BIBA Apparels Pvt. Ltd.

S02 Ep05: Creating a Self-Driven Culture for Virtual Learning

There is a push for digital culture and virtual learning as a part of it. In fact, going digital has been on the agenda of companies for a while now. There is though a wide gap still between those that have adopted virtual, and those that have not – both at individual learner level as well as at the organizational level.

How does one build mindsets in organizations that become a self driven engine in this regard?

What experiments have organizations tried, or trying – and what has worked, or not?

What will it take leaders to help drive the culture, especially in economies and companies where there is one way dependent relationship between the employee and the employer?

What nudges are being built within HR systems which can help further encourage the self reliant learning culture among employees?

Guest Speakers (Episode 5)

Sunil Pathak

Mr. Sunil Pathak

HR – Group Director & Business Partner, Cadence Design Systems

Rajeev Bhardwaj

Mr. Rajeev Bhardwaj

CHRO – Asia Service Centres, Sun Life Financial