Frequently Asked Questions​

Participation & Payment

Is the Survey open to any organization?

The survey is open to any organization that wants to participate in it.

I am part of an organization that has 60 employees. Can I participate in this survey?

Yes, Any organization with 50 or more employees who would participate on the survey can be a part of this campaign.

What type of industries is this survey open to?

The survey is open to any organization from any industry.

My organization wants to participate in this survey. Is there a deadline before which we need to confirm our participation?

This is a limited-time offer. You may want to confirm your participation as soon as possible.

Is there a limit on the number of respondents in this survey?

No, there is no capping on the number of respondents. However, the pricing is tiered and will vary accordingly.

What are the payment terms?

An invoice will be generated as soon as the survey is live. You will have to pay within 15 days of the invoice. Access to the dashboard will be made available once the payment is cleared.

We are a non-profit organization. Can we get a discount on the survey?

Yes, a Non-profit gets a flat 30% discount on the survey.

Survey Design

Do you have a standard questionnaire or is it customizable?

This particular campaign has only a standardized questionnaire.

Can you add a few questions to the standard questionnaire?

No, Additional questions cannot be added to this survey. However, you may reach out to our team to discuss doing this as a separate project contextualized to your organization’s needs.

We already have a questionnaire and would like to use the same for this campaign. How do we go about it?

The questionnaire for this survey is standardized and cannot be changed. However, you can use our platform to conduct a survey separately which is not part of this campaign. Please connect with our team so that they can understand your requirements and guide you about the usage of the platform and the pricing.

We are already doing our internal survey on some other platform. Can we participate in this campaign?

Yes, you may participate given you are open to conducting the survey based on our standardized questionnaire. In case you want to use our platform to conduct your survey, please connect with our team to take it forward.

Is your questionnaire validated?

We have already conducted hundreds of surveys for many organizations. Our questionnaire is based on our learning from the experience gathered by these projects.

Can you add multiple demographics to the survey?

Yes, we can add multiple demographics to the survey; provided they are available a week before the launch of the survey.

Is there a limit on the demographics that can be added?

Currently, there is no limit to this.

Deployment Process

We do not have email ids for all the employees. Can they still participate?

They can participate through an open link.

Will you deploy and upload the survey for our participants?

Yes, our operations team will support you with the deployment.

Will you deploy and upload the survey for our participants?

Yes, our operations team will support you with the deployment.

We do not have the demographic cuts ready now. Can it be uploaded once the survey is over?

No, we will need the cuts before the deployment.

In case of technical issues, whom will the participants contact?

They can connect with our helpdesk email id to sort out these issues.

Who will be the point of contact for the project manager from our side?

There will be an account manager assigned to you who will help you resolve technical or operational issues.

Will you have orientation sessions for the project team before the survey kicks off?

Yes, we will have an orientation email and video available for the project team.

Will you have orientation sessions for the participants?

We will provide you email collaterals to communicate with the participants.

Will you provide collaterals for internal communication for us?

Yes, we will provide templates that you can use.

Do we have to send emails individually to all participants asking them to participate in the survey?

The emails will go through the platform. In case you have chosen to use an open link, the emails and the communication will have to go from your side.

What will be the frequency of reminders that goes to the users?

The frequency can be set according to your requirements. However, this frequency will be same for all and cannot be changed for groups.

How long will the survey be live?

It will be live for 2 business weeks and will give ample time for the filling up.

When can we get access to the dashboard?

The dashboard will be made available with benchmark data post two weeks of closure of the survey.

What will be the frequency of status updates (how many have filled etc) of the survey that will be shared?

You will have access to the dashboard and get live updates from there.

Dashboard & Market Data

Who will have access to the dashboard of our organization?

You will have a single login credential and will be available to whosoever has the credentials.

Will we get an overall report pdf at the end of the survey?

All the data cuts will be available on the dashboard. You can access it from there.

We are participating in this survey campaign. Will you make our data public to other organizations participating in this.

No, your data will not be made public. However, your organization will be part of the norm group and your data will be used anonymously to arrive at the benchmark insights.

Will the benchmark data include our data as well?

Yes, the benchmark data will include yours, anonymously.

How often will the benchmark data be updated?

The benchmark data will keep on updating as and when more organizations finish their survey.

Will you provide anything post survey completion, regarding workshops or learnings?

This will not be a part of this campaign. However, in case you want to explore this possibility please connect with our team and we can do it for organizations who would like it. This will be billed separately from the survey billing.

Will you chart out an action plan for each company after the survey is over?


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